It was an exciting opportunity to present our WLF Project at the 21st EAWOP Congress in Katowice, Poland within the symposium “Values-based HRM in times of multi emergencies

It was an exciting opportunity to present our WLF Project at the 21st EAWOP Congress in Katowice, Poland within the symposium “Values-based HRM in times of multi emergencies”. The symposium was organized by Nuno dos Santos Rebelo, University of Evora.

The projects’ research goals are:
·      To obtain knowledge about the relationship between various influencing factors (personal and work-related demands/resources), psychophysiological recovery, and sleep
·      To cross-culturally compare results
·      To feed a modular training solution (WLF-Solution) that enables individuals and organizations to foster a healthy Work-Life-Flow

Results of our projects survey in Spain and Portugal show that the big majority of Spanish and Portuguese employees preferred to separate work from nonwork and vice versa. Influencing factors for good sleep, recovery, reduced exhaustion, and reduced feelings of burnout are a Work-Life-Flow friendly culture and Transformational leadership. At individual level: Emotion regulation, and Optimism in both countries.
The project has developed an online assessment and a training solution.