How to make a great career while having a family (especially the career vs. mother dilemma for women) and meaningful “life” in total.

Research on work-life balance is historically linked to career research: How to make a great career while having a family (especially the career vs. mother dilemma for women) and meaningful “life” in total.

Either career or better work-life balance. And seemingly, many companies still nurture this perception of either-or through adverse company cultures. And their people results are affected: We asked 1240 employees in Spain to reflect on the company culture of the company they work for:

Organizational expectations to work longer than what is formally hired, to get ahead at this organization (for example, to take work home at night and/or on weekends) was significantly negatively related to job satisfaction, self-rated job performance, and even to sleep quality; and positively related to turnover intention. This is a societal, organizational, and individual problem worth tackling. #companyculturematters #careergoals #worklifeflow