Informal carers are people (predominantly women) providing any help to older family members, friends and people in their social network, living inside or outside their household, who require help with everyday tasks. An informal carer provides this care at least on a weekly basis aside from his job.
We asked 224 employed informal carers in Spain and Portugal if they prefer to keep their non-work life and work life separated (so-called segmenters), or rather aim at integration (so-called integrators). 62.9% could be categorized as segmenters, whereas only 8.9% could be categorized as integrators.
Moreover, we found that the stronger their feelings of job insecurity and work-related interferences via email and other contacts outside of regular work hours, the higher their negative work-life flows. These relationships were significantly stronger for informal carers than for non-carers.
See more about the estimated numbers of carers in Europe per country, and more info, here:
The number of informal carers is growing along with Europe’s overall increase in life expectancy and ageing demographic