Virtual Project Board Meetings of WLF

On the 7th April 2021, WLF consortium participated in the fifth transnational meeting of the project. As usual and due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the meeting, took place in online mode on the basis of an agenda developed by the coordinator UB and shared jointly by all partners.

After the greetings led by the coordinator UB, an overview of activities implemented under Intellectual Output 1 “Systematic Review” took place. In particular, partners discussed about the different quantitative desk research and qualitative research activities, to gather scientific evidence on the issues around WLF in the current situation and post-pandemic in the most comprehensive way possible.

These research activities will lay the scientific groundwork derived from multiple perspectives for the WLF Methodology and the online Personal Excellence Assessment tool, which will help individuals and organizations to assess the main drivers of a healthy and sustainable WLF backed by science.

In the coming months, findings of the research activities will by synthesized and operationalized into the WLF assessment tool.